Monday, 20 April 2009
Room 32
Chairperson: Henrik Madsen
EGU2009-5924 Predictive Uncertainty in Hydrological Forecasting
E. Todini
EGU2009-1067 Reducing Streamflow Forecasting Uncertainty: A Sequential Bayesian Approach Inspired by Data Assimilation for Multi-model Combination and Forecasting H. Moradkhani, K. Hsu, and S. Sorooshian
EGU2009-2354 Assessing parameter, precipitation, and predictive uncertainty in a distributed hydrological model using sequential data assimilation with the particle filter P. Salamon and L. Feyen
EGU2009-2403 Real-Time Updating of Stochastic Flow Forecasting Models P. Young
EGU2009-11351 Skill comparison of probabilistic water level forecasts based on different ensemble weather prediction products J.S. Verkade, A.H. Weerts, P. Reggiani, and P.H.A.J.M. van Gelder
EGU2009-8048 Model initialisation, data assimilation and probabilistic flood forecasting for distributed hydrological models
S. J. Cole, A.J. Robson, V.A. Bell, and R.J. Moore