Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Room 20
Chairperson: J. Danhelka
EGU2009-8816 Hydrological and Water Quality Forecasting and Real Time Monitoring in Finland: The Watershed Simulation and Forecasting System (WSFS) M. Huttunen and B. Vehviläinen
Operational flood forecasting in the trans-boundary Moselle basin(withdrawn)Press & Media N. Demuth
EGU2009-9760 Operational flood forecasting system of Umbria Region “Functional Centre N. Berni, C. Pandolfo, M. Stelluti, F. Ponziani, and A. Viterbo
EGU2009-8650 SEAMLESS FLOOD FORECASTING BASED ON MONTHLY, MEDIUM-RANGE and SHORT-RANGE ENSEMBLE PREDICTION SYSTEMSPress & Media J. Thielen-del Pozo, F. Pappenberger, K. Bogner, M. Kalas, and A. de Roo
EGU2009-12542 Assessing the impact of updating approaches of the performances on a real-time flood forecasting model: a study on 178 French catchments L. Berthet, V. Andréassian, and C. Perrin
EGU2009-10056 Hydrological flow routing methods used for flow forecasting on the Morava River in Slovakia J. Szolgay, M. Danáčová, P. Spál, and P. Šúrek
EGU2009-5046 Early Flood Warning System based on a "Catalogue Concept" I. Fordinal, J. Komma, and D. Gutknecht
EGU2009-11238 Forecasting in an integrated surface water-ground water system: The Big Cypress Basin, South Florida M. B. Butts, K. Feng, A. Klinting, K. Stewart, A. Nath, P. Manning, T. Hazlett, and T. Jacobsen