Thursday, 23 April 2009
Room 35
Chairperson: Ramon J. Batalla
EGU2009-2612 The role of reservoirs in global sediment budgets G. Verstraeten, W. Renwick, J. Poesen, J. De Vente, N. Vinogradova, P. Bazzoffi, A. Lajczak, M. Radoane, and F. Rey
EGU2009-563 Assessing reservoir siltation by means of sediment budget techniques J. A. López-Tarazón, T. Francke, and G. Mamede
EGU2009-1050 Sediment record in a small reservoir in W Scotland: implications of the deposition rate E. Munoz-Salinas and P. Bishop
EGU2009-6355 A geomorphic framework for predicting downstream response of rivers to dams: examples and prospects G. Grant and S. Lewis
EGU2009-2429 Assessment of dam impacts on sediment dynamics and channel geometry in complex anthropogenic systems: feedbacks from comparative study of the Sacramento and the Ain Rivers A. J. Rollet, H. Piégay, M. Michalkova, and G. M. Kondolf
EGU2009-10800 Impact of artificial freshet releases on channel hydraulics and the hyporheic zone of a gravel bed river.
C. Gibbins, C Soulsby, and I Malcolm