Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Room 19
Chairperson: Julian Murton
EGU2009-6473 Dynamics of solifluction lobes in the Swiss Alps: A summary of 14-year monitoring N. Matsuoka
EGU2009-9763 Catchment scale budget estimates of mass movements in the Swedish Kärkevagge A. Bartsch, S. D. Gurney, and M. Gude
EGU2009-8579 Cold- maritime processes in the Fuegian Mountains (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina) A. Pérez-Alberti, M. Valcarcel-Diaz, F. Castillo-Rodriguez, S. Naya-Fernandez, P. Carrera-Gomez, J. Lopez-Bedoya, R. Blanco-Chao, and F. Macias-Vazquez
EGU2009-10324 Frozen ground history at El G.J. Schwamborn, G.B. Fedorov, L. Schirrmeister, B. Diekmann, B.R. Chapligin, and H.-W. Hubberten
EGU2009-3190 Thaw lakes in the geological record and their significance for Pleistocene glacial methane emissions J. van Huissteden and C. Berrittella
EGU2009-3149 Lateral enlargment of lithalsas indicated by observations from Hudsonia, Belgium and Wales A. Pissart