Monday, 20 April 2009
Room 29
Chairperson: Margarita Stancheva
EGU2009-2143 The European Coast in the Anthropocene
Press & Media J.A.G. Cooper
EGU2009-6599 Evaluation of risk to flooding for built environment under extreme sea level rise: Varna Bay (Bulgarian Black Sea coast) A. Palazov, H Stanchev, and M Stancheva
EGU2009-11593 Documenting the global impacts of beach sand mining R. Young and A. Griffith
EGU2009-10841 Vulnerability of sandy coasts to climate change and anthropic pressures: methodology and preliminary results D. Idier, M. Poumadère, C. Vinchon, E. Romieu, and C. Oliveros
EGU2009-9157 The Holocene evolution of the Pearl River delta, China
Y.Q. Zong, G. Huang, A.D. Switzer, F. Yu, and W.W.-S. Yim