Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Room 37
Chairperson: Ralf Koppmann
EGU2009-2619 The isotopic composition of formaldehyde in urban air
A. Rice and P. Quay
EGU2009-13116 Pressure dependent deuterium fractionation factors in the production of molecular hydrogen from formaldehyde photolysis
E. J. K. Nilsson, V. F. Andersen, H. Skov, and M. S. Johnson
EGU2009-3766 Tracing near-surface deuterated water vapour and its seasonal variations from space and ground C. Frankenberg, I. Aben, K. Yoshimura, and T. Röckmann and the SCIAMACHY and FTIR team
EGU2009-11440 Water vapor isotopes measurements at Mauna Loa, Hawaii: Comparison of laser spectroscopy and remote sensing with traditional methods, and the need for ongoing monitoring J. Galewsky, D. Noone, Z. Sharp, and J. Worden
EGU2009-11832 Isotopic Constraints on the Global Budget and Trend of Atmospheric Nitrous Oxide M. C. Liang and Y. L. Yung
EGU2009-11814 Uncertainties and Challenges in Long-term d13C Measurements of Atmospheric CO2 at Canadian Baseline Stations: Can Human induced CO2 Detected & Quantified at Regional Scale? L. Huang, A Chivulescu, and D Ernst
EGU2009-9138 Methane in Arctic Air during 2008: Monitoring Methane Mixing Ratio and Stable Isotopic Composition R.E. Fisher, M. Lanoisellé, S. Sriskantharajah, D. Lowry, E.G. Nisbet, G.K. Westbrook, R.H. James, D. Green, N. Shakhova, and A. Salyuk and the International Siberian Shelf Study (ISSS-08)
EGU2009-10236 Stable carbon isotope ratio measurements of VOC over various source regions in Southern Germany aboard a Zeppelin R. Wegener, F. Holland, F. Rohrer, A. Wahner, M. Krebsbach, P. Knieling, H. P. Heuser, H. Spahn, and R. Koppmann
EGU2009-9679 Benzene and toluene stable carbon isotope ratios: Global modelling and interpretation O. Stein and J. Rudolph
EGU2009-4836 Carbon Isotopes in an Earth System Model M. Cuntz, C. H. Reick, E. Maier-Reimer, M. Heimann, M. Scholze, and T. Naegler
EGU2009-11790 Evaluating the sensitivity of nitrate and sulfate Î17O to changes in atmospheric oxidant concentrations on the preindustrial-industrial timescale
E.D. Sofen, S.A. Kunasek, B. Alexander, E.J. Steig, D.J. Gleason, T.L. Jackson, M.H. Thiemens, and M.G. Hastings