EGU2009-2398 Full waveform inversion for upper-mantle structure in the Australasian region based on the spectral-element and adjoint methods
A. Fichtner, B. L. N. Kennett, H. Igel, and H.-P. Bunge
EGU2009-3047 Effects of Surface Scattering in Waveform Inversion F. Bleibinhaus and S. Rondenay
EGU2009-5115 The Reverse Time Migration technique coupled with Interior Penalty Discontinuous Galerkin method. C. Baldassari, H. Barucq, H. Calandra, B. Denel, and J. Diaz
EGU2009-3883 Velocity-less migration using horizontal slownesses A. Bóna and D. Cooke
EGU2009-11001 Enhanced inversion image of lithology through multi-parameter filtering
S. Ng, O. Kolbjørnsen, P. Dahle, R. Hauge, and A. R. Syversveen
EGU2009-13991 Passive seismic noise-based imaging of the Wellington Basin, NZ B. Fry, R. Benites, and R. Van Dissen