Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Room 25
Chairperson: A. C. Imeson
EGU2009-2643 Vegetation and erosion: comments on the linking mechanisms from the perspective of the Australian drylands.
D. Dunkerley
EGU2009-8202 The Effects of Repeated Fires on Vegetation Communities Structure: Implications for Small Scale Soil Erosion
L. Wittenberg, D. Malkinson, O. Beeri, and R. Barzilai
EGU2009-8348 Vegetation and erosion: the case of forest wildfires with a special emphasis on Portugal
J.J. Keizer, J.P. Nunes, M.C. Malvar, P.A.A. Maia, and M.E.T. Varela
EGU2009-11304 Hydrophobicity, overland flow and erosion: influences of local spatial variability, vertical routeways and switching dynamics
R.P.D. Walsh, C.S.S. Ferreira, G. Leighton-Boyce, E. Urbanek, R.A. Shakesby, C. Stoof, A.J.D. Ferreira, and S.H. Doerr
EGU2009-12857 Function of riparian vegetation in retaining sediment in forested and agricultural catchments. D. Neary, P. Ffolliott, and P. Smethurst
EGU2009-918 Time compression of soil erosion by the effect of largest daily event. A regional analysis of USLE database.
J. C. Gonzalez-Hidalgo, R Batalla, A Cerda, and M de Luis
EGU2009-8584 Soil Erosion and Agricultural Sustainability
D. R. Montgomery
Panarchy: erosion and the dynamic interactions of plants with their surroundings(withdrawn) A. Imeson and M Curfs
EGU2009-8437 Is splash erosion potential species specific? Measuring of splash erosion potential under forest in different succession stages along a biodiversity gradient in the humid subtropics C. Geißler, P. Kühn, and T. Scholten
EGU2009-13622 Vegetation effects on soil water erosion rates and nutrient losses at Santa Catarina highlands, south Brazil I. Bertol, F.T. Barbosa, E. Vidal Vázquez, and J. Paz Ferreiro
EGU2009-11913 Landscape and soil governance: A rapid vulnerability assessment method applied in a Paramo landscape in Northern Peru L.H. Cammeraat, A.C. Seijmonsbergen, and J. Sevink
EGU2009-6159 Development and Evaluation of a Cellular Automata Model for Simulating Tillage Erosion in the Presence of Obstacles T. Vanwalleghem, F.J. Jiménez-Hornero, J.V. Giráldez, and A. Laguna