Friday, 24 April 2009
Room 8
Chairperson: P. H. M. Galopeau
EGU2009-2810 Radio diagnostics and the origin and propagation of solar energetic particles
K.-L. Klein
EGU2009-8858 Eigenmode Structure in Solar Wind Langmuir Waves R. E. Ergun, D. M. Malaspina, I. H. Cairns, D. L. Newman, M. V. Goldman, J. L. Bougeret, C. Briand, S. D. Bale, C. A. Cattell, and M. L. Kaiser
EGU2009-3649 Can the fine structure of type II solar radio bursts at decametric and hectometric waves be the consequence of propagation effects in the solar corona? A.N. Afanasiev
EGU2009-5464 Type II and type III radiation from Langmuir wave eigenmodes D.M. Malaspina, R.E. Ergun, I.H. Cairns, J. Bougeret, S.D. Bale, P.J. Kellogg, and M.L. Kaiser
EGU2009-12339 Statistical study of type III solar radio bursts using Wind and Stereo observations : Changes in the emission process below and above 1 MHz ? A. Zaslavsky, X. Bonnin, M. Maksimovic, and S. Hoang
EGU2009-8850 Jovian non-thermal radio emission observed by STEREO/WAVES H.O. Rucker, M. Panchenko, V. E Shaposhnikov, V. N. Melnik, M. Y. Boudjada, and the STEREO team
EGU2009-10657 AKR Emission on Earth, Jupiter, and Saturn: A Comparative Review of Recent Results
R. L. Mutel
EGU2009-8583 Coherence theory applied to space radio astronomy: Cassini/RPWS, a practical implementation. A. Lecacheux
EGU2009-7008 Elliptical polarization of Saturn Kilometric Radiation (SKR) observed by Cassini/RPWS G. Fischer, B. Cecconi, L. Lamy, S.-Y. Ye, U. Taubenschuss, W. Macher, P. Zarka, A. Lecacheux, W. S. Kurth, and D. A. Gurnett
EGU2009-9466 Variation of the Saturn Kilometric Radiation Polarization with the location of Cassini: statistical results and interpretation B. Cecconi, L. lamy, G. Fischer, S.-Y. Ye, U. Taubenschuss, W. Macher, P. Zarka, A. Lecacheux, W. S. Kurth, and D. A. Gurnett
EGU2009-2061 Growth-rate analysis of kronian narrowband emission J. D. Menietti, S.-Y. Ye, P. H. Yoon, and O. Santolik
EGU2009-9410 Ground-based study of Saturn lightning J.-M. Grießmeier, P. Zarka, A. Konovalenko, G. Fischer, B. Ryabov, D. Vavriv, V. Ryabov, H. Rucker, L. Denis, and M. Sidorchuk and the Radio-Exopla collaboration