Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Room 5
Chairperson: Charlotte Krawczyk
Numerical modelling and lab experiments investigating fault zones
EGU2009-8379 Quantitative comparisons of numerical models of brittle deformation
S Buiter and the GeoMod2008
EGU2009-3255 Neogene tectonic evolution of the San Andreas Fault System in central and northern California: numerical modeling approach A. A. Popov, S. V. Sobolev, and M. D. Zoback
EGU2009-7786 Cracking of pebbles in sediments (SE Vienna Basin, Austria): Lithostatic pressure versus static stress change C. Tuitz, U. Exner, B. Grasemann, and A. Preh
EGU2009-5442 The formation of open fractures in brittle rocks and the evolution of permeability with fault slip- results from analogue and numerical models H.W. van Gent, S. Abe, J.L. Urai, and M. Holland
EGU2009-4279 Quantitative strain analysis in analogue modelling experiments: insights from X-ray computed tomography and tomographic image correlation J. Adam, M. Klinkmueller, G. Schreurs, and B. Wieneke
EGU2009-3423 Seismic Imaging of Sandbox Models M. L. Buddensiek, C. M. Krawczyk, N. Kukowski, and O. Oncken
Fault growth and consequences for fluid flow and fracturing
EGU2009-7556 Growth of faults in crystalline rock
S.J. Martel
EGU2009-8209 Fault geometries and deformation mechanisms in the evolution of low-angle normal faults (Kea, Greece) C. Iglseder, B. Grasemann, D. Schneider, A.H.N. Rice, D. Stöckli, and M. Rockenschaub
EGU2009-6015 Parametric analysis of inherited low-angle fault reactivation, application to the Aegean detachment faults E. LECOMTE, L. LE POURHIET, O. LACOMBE, and L. JOLIVET
EGU2009-4352 A natural example of sub-seismic deformation in the hanging-wall of a fault, County Kerry, Ireland D.C. Tanner, S. Burchardt, and C.M. Krawczyk
EGU2009-4647 Transpressive systems - 4D analogue modelling with X-ray computed tomography M. Klinkmueller and G. Schreurs
EGU2009-9883 Modelling Fault Zone Evolution: Implications for fluid flow. H. Moir, R. J. Lunn, and Z. K. Shipton