EGU2009-2454 Is carbon sequestration on post mining sites driven by earthworm activity?
J. Frouz and V. Pizl
EGU2009-13769 Soil organic matter dynamics under Beech and Hornbeam as affected by soil biological activity A.M. Kooijman and L.H. Cammeraat
EGU2009-13635 Can soils be used as paleo-ecological records in spite of bioturbation? F Tonneijk and B Jansen
EGU2009-3850 Methane fluxes from the mound-building termite species of North Australian savannas H Jamali, SJ Livesely, SK Arndt, T Dawes-Gromadzki, GD Cook, and L Hutley
EGU2009-3499 Occurrence and activity of subterranean termites in temperate forest soils: United States and Spain M. Jurgensen, D. Page-Dumroese, A. Cerdà, B. Forschler, C. Trettin, S. Cook, and B. Kard