Friday, 24 April 2009
Room 25
Chairperson: P. Conte
EGU2009-1553 From Molecular Structure to Global Processes : NMR Spectroscopy in Analytical/Environmental Chemistry
A. Simpson
EGU2009-3208 Relaxometry in soil science
G. E. Schaumann, F. Jaeger, and J. V. Bayer
EGU2009-5723 Magnetic Resonance Imaging Methods in Soil Science A. Pohlmeier, D. van Dusschoten, and P. Blümler
EGU2009-10162 Solid-state 13C NMR experiments reveal effects of aggregate size on the chemical composition of particulate organic matter in grazed steppe soils M. Steffens, A Kölbl, and I Kögel-Knabner