EGU2009-11600 Effect of antecedent soil-water content on aggregate stability and erodibility of a loess soil J. Vermang, V. Demeyer, W.M. Cornelis, and D. Gabriels
EGU2009-9789 Chernozem aggregate waterstability loss investigation in a long-term bare fallow experiment N.A. Vasilyeva and E.Y. Milanovskiy
EGU2009-8313 The use of soil mechanical properties to evidence the effect of cultivation practives on soil structure V. Chaplain, P Défossez, G Delarue, G Richard, J Roger-Estrade, and D Tessier
EGU2009-12278 Simulation of soil organic carbon in different soil size fractions using 13Carbon measurement dataPress & Media P. Gottschalk, J. Bellarby, C. Chenu, B. Foereid, M. Wattenbach, S. Zingore, and J. Smith
EGU2009-3895 Soil-Structural Stability as Affected by Clay Mineralogy, Soil Texture and Polyacrylamide application A.I. Mamedov, G.J. Levy, L.E. Wagner, C. Huang, and L.D. Norton
EGU2009-1919 Long-term tillage and cropping sequence influence on dryland soil aggregate-carbon dynam U. Sainju, T.-C. TonThat, and J. D. Jabro