Wednesday, 22 April 2009
Room 24
Chairperson: J. Bech, B. De Vivo, C. Perez Sirvent
EGU2009-6329 Geochemical background/baseline values in top soils of Campania region: assessment of the toxic elements threat to ecosystem and human health
B. De Vivo, A. Lima, S. Albanese, M. Bove, D. Cicchella, D. Civitillo, A. Cosenza, and G. Grezzi
EGU2009-11993 Atmospheric Deposition of Heavy Metals in Soil Affected by Different Soil Uses of Southern Spain
J.A. Acosta, A. Faz, S. Martínez-Martínez, and J. Bech
EGU2009-11720 Mapping fields of 137Cs contamination in soils in the context of their stability and hierarchical spatial structure E. Korobova and S. Romanov
EGU2009-3771 Background and baseline values for thallium and antimony in soils from Murcia Region (SE, Spain) and their relationship with mineralogical composition M.J. Martínez-Sánchez, C. Pérez-Sirvent, M.L. García-Lorenzo, M.L. Tudela, J. Molina, and J. Bech
EGU2009-12649 Regional mapping of pedogeochemical background in Southern Belgium. Combining grid-survey measurements with existing maps of the physical environment. G. Colinet, H. Lecomte, and L. Bock
EGU2009-13793 Preliminary development of a GIS-tool to assess threats to shallow groundwater quality from soil pollutants in Glasgow, UK (GRASP). B. É. Ó Dochartaigh, F. M. Fordyce, E.L. Ander, and H.C. Bonsor