Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Room 36
Chairperson: Dominik Fleitmann and Denis Scholz
EGU2009-3626 An interval of high rainfall intensity in the early Holocene of the Southern and Eastern European Alps (ca. 8.2-7.3 ka): integrating speleothem data with evidence from lake sediments, glaciers, subfossil trees and alluvial fans C. Spötl, K. Nicolussi, G. Patzelt, R. Boch, and DAPHNE team
EGU2009-3755 Speleothems - marine - lake records in the Eastern Mediterranean widen our understanding of regional paleoclimate and global connections
M. Bar-Matthews, A. Almogi-Labin, A. Vaks, and A. Ayalon
EGU2009-10192 A speleothem-based chronology for the Iberian margin marine-core record spanning 380 - 196 ka: implications for the timing of Terminations IV and III R. Drysdale, I. Couchoud, G. Zanchetta, J. Hellstrom, S. Komar, C. Spoetl, A. Fallick, and T. Smith
EGU2009-9233 A 300 ky-long high resolution stalagmite record from Northern Turkey: Millennial-scale events and Black Sea flooding S. Badertscher, D Fleitmann, O.M. Göktürk, H. Cheng, R.L. Edwards, A. Fankhauser, R. Pickering, and O. Tüysüz
EGU2009-12721 First results of precisely dated Last Glacial stalagmites from the northern part of the Alps: Chronological and regional considerations R. Boch, H. Cheng, C. Spötl, R. L. Edwards, X. Wang, and P. Häuselmann
EGU2009-10651 Spatio-temporal gradients in δ18O among Northern hemisphere Holocene speleothems; deciphering temperature, aridity and moisture transport effects F. McDermott
EGU2009-11545 Practical experience using speleothem data in multi-proxy climate reconstructions
N. Graham
EGU2009-6287 A model, and the fidelity of climate reconstructions from speleothems MJ Fischer and PC Treble
EGU2009-13479 Stable isotope depletion in Northern Oman during the mid-to-late Holocene and the Eemian: Evidence from climate model simulations G. Lohmann, M. Herold, and D. Fleitmann
EGU2009-11554 One thousand year palaeohydrological record derived from SE Australian stalagmites Dr McDonald and the Dr Janece McDonald