Attendance Time: Monday, 20 April 2009, 17:30–19:00
Halls X/Y
EGU2009-8623 Molecular genetic analyses of historical lake sediments from the East African Rift Valley L. S. Epp, K. Stoof, M. H. Trauth, and R. Tiedemann
EGU2009-3356 Diatom DNA as historical information K. R. Stoof, L.S. Epp, M. H. Trauth, and R. Tiedemann
EGU2009-3936 Role of Tectonics in Forming of the Kalahrood Cave, North Isfahan, Iran A. Nadimi and A. Sohrabi
EGU2009-5811 Spectral analysis of the Namarunu volcanic complex in the Northern Kenya Rift S. Riedl and M. H. Trauth
EGU2009-8251 Testing the hypothesis of Pleistocene East African mega droughts: The chlorine record of authigenic minerals in the Naivasha basin V. Fremd, N.A. Stroncik, and M. Trauth
EGU2009-13102 Long-term erosion and exhumation rates across different climatic zones in the Indian NW-Himalaya A. Deeken, J.K. Hourigan, R.T. Thiede, E.R. Sobel, and M.R. Strecker
EGU2009-13001 Impacts of tectonic and orbital forcing on East African climate: A comparison based on global climate model simulations. F. Kaspar, K. Prömmel, and U. Cubasch
EGU2009-6577 The paleoenvironment of the “Sierra de la Primavera R. Maciel, L. Peña, and J. Rosas
EGU2009-2362 Trends, rhythms and events in Plio-Pleistocene African climate M.H. Trauth, J.C. Larrasoaña, and M. Mudelsee
EGU2009-505 Geographical position of territories with active seismicity, fields of ground temperature, production of biosystems and interrelation of the components in northern and central Europe S. Schmidt
EGU2009-673 Large-scale changes of the atmosphere (climate), geodynamics and biosphere due to the galactic shocks D. Khristoforova
EGU2009-9874 The impacts of Tibetan uplift history on palaeoclimate proxies D. Lunt and R. Flecker