Attendance Time: Tuesday, 21 April 2009, 17:30–19:00
Halls X/Y
Chairperson: Michael Boy, Vinayak Sinha
EGU2009-2044 An improved system for atmospheric analysis of volatile organic compounds including monoterpenes J.R. Hopkins, C.E. Jones, and A.C. Lewis
EGU2009-672 Changes in BVOC emission pattern from Fagus sylvatica L. measured by thermal desorber GC-MS É. Joó, H. Van Langenhove, L. Schietse, O. Pokorska, M. Šimpraga, K. Steppe, M. Demarcke, C. Amelynck, N. Schoon, J.-F. Müller, R. Samson, and J. Dewulf
EGU2009-2240 Emission indices and characterization of the NMHCs and trace gases in the city air of Santiago de Chile Y. Elshorbany, R. Kurtenbach, J. Kleffmann, M. Rubio, E. Lissi, G. Villena, E. Gramsch, and P. Wiesen
EGU2009-3866 Distinguishing Aldehydes and Ketones in Ambient Air using SIFT-MS D. R. Hastie, M. J. McEwan, D. B. Milligan, J. Gray, and V. S. Langford
EGU2009-4044 Characterization of Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometry for the detection of sesquiterpenes M. Demarcke, C. Amelynck, N. Schoon, J. Dewulf, and H. Van Langenhove
EGU2009-7574 The effect of relative humidity on the detection of pyrrole by PTR-MS for OH reactivity measurements V. Sinha, T.G. Custer, T. Kluepfel, and J Williams
EGU2009-9061 Hydrocarbons peaks at Weybourne: What role do natural gas emissions play in the regional background?
M.J. Jacob, Z.L. Fleming, P.S. Monks, A. Hulse, D. Oram, B.J. Bandy, S.A. Penkett, J.F. Hamilton, and J.R. Hopkins
EGU2009-11919 In-situ volatile organic compounds measurements with GC-MSD during the DOMINO campaign in Spain, December 2008 W. Song, N. Yassaa, and J. Williams
EGU2009-12329 Transport of NMHCs and halocarbons observed by CARIBIC: A case study A.K. Baker, C.A.M. Brenninkmeijer, D.E. Oram, D.A. O'Sullivan, T.J. Schuck, and F. Slemr