EGU2009-8243 Distribution of 230Thxs and 231Paxs in sediment particle classes of opal-rich and carbonate-rich sediments S. Kretschmer, S. Kusch, W. Geibert, M. Rutgers van der Loeff, and G. Mollenhauer
EGU2009-4573 Seasonal and interannual dynamics in diatom production in the Cariaco Basin, Venezuela O.E. Romero, R.C. Thunell, Y. Astor, and R. Varela
EGU2009-6291 Variation in morphology with serial dissolution of common Southern Ocean diatoms
J. Warnock and R. Scherer
EGU2009-5243 Investigation of the late summer Si-budget in the Sub-Antarctic and Polar Front Zones south of Tasmania (SAZ-SENSE) F. Fripiat, K. Leblanc, M. Elskens, B. Quéguiner, L. Armand, V. Cornet-Barthaux, L. André, and D. Cardinal
EGU2009-1781 Do biosiliceous laminated sediments reveal sea ice seasonality in the middle Eocene Arctic Ocean? C.E. Stickley, N. Koc, R.B. Pearce, and A.E.S. Kemp