Attendance Time: Wednesday, 22 April 2009, 17:30–19:00
Halls X/Y
Chairperson: G. Giebel
EGU2009-1502 Wind profiles for large wind turbines C. B. Hasager, A. Peña, S.-E. Gryning, T. Mikkelsen, and M. Courtney
EGU2009-1503 Offshore wind resource mapping using satellite observations C.B. Hasager and M. Badger
EGU2009-6737 Analysis and modeling study of inter-farm and intra-farm wind variations with the NCAR high-resolution multi-scale WRF-RTFDDA system Y. Liu, T. Warner, B. Mahoney, K. Parks, R. Bigley, Y. Wan, D. Corbus, and E. Ela
EGU2009-8743 Spectral verification of a mesoscale ensemble
C. Vincent, C. Draxl, G. Giebel, P. Pinson, C. Möhrlen, and J. Jørgensen
EGU2009-10616 Statistical analysis of the wind and wind power predictability in the Northeast of the Iberian Peninsula E. García-Bustamante, J.F. González-Rouco, P.A. Jiménez, J. Navarro, and J.P. Montávez
EGU2009-11076 An assessment of wind energy resources in the Iberian Peninsula by using dynamical downscaling J.P. Montavez, P.A. Jimenez, S. Bermudez-Navarro, S. Jerez, J.J. Gomez-Navarro, J.A. García-Valero, E. García-Bustamante, P. Jimenez-Guerrero, J. Navarro, and J.F. Gonzalez-Rouco
EGU2009-13259 Numerical modeling of wind turbine wakes using large eddy simulation Y.T. Wu and F. Porte-Agel