Attendance Time: Friday, 24 April 2009, 08:30–10:00
Halls X/Y
EGU2009-5543 Scientific Web-portal for the “Phobos-Soil” space mission. O. Batanov, F. Korotkov, V. Nazarov, R. Nazirov, A. Zakharov, B. Novikov, E. Larionov, A. Bogomolov, and A. Prudkoglyad
EGU2009-9430 Promoting scientific collaboration and research through integrated social networking capabilities within the OpenTopography Portal V. Nandigam, C.J. Crosby, and C. Baru
EGU2009-13296 MissMarble, a multi-user interdisciplinary data base of marble for archaeometric, art historian and restoration use
J. Zöldföldi, B. Székely, and P. Hegedüs