Attendance Time: Monday, 20 April 2009, 17:30–19:00
Hall A
Chairperson: L. Pfister, P. Matgen, F. Fenicia
EGU2009-851 The application of the universal hydrological model “Hydrograph” O. Semenova
EGU2009-1986 Benchmarking flood models from space in near real-time: accommodating SRTM height measurement errors with low resolution flood imagery G. Schumann, G. Di Baldassarre, D. Alsdorf, and P. D. Bates
EGU2009-854 The impasses of modern “physically-based” hydrological modelling: example of an alternative approach Yu. B. Vinogradov and O. Semenova
EGU2009-5790 Reliability of distributed results from the spatially distributed hydrological modeling P.K. Thapa and A. Bardossy
EGU2009-7627 Methodological uncertainties associated with the suspended sediment fingerprinting approach
N. Martínez-Carreras, A. Krein, F. Gallart, J.F. Iffly, L. Pfister, and D.E. Walling
EGU2009-9537 Experiences with semi-distributed hydrological modelling in a small Mediterranean mountain research basin: TOPMODEL at Vallcebre (South-Eastern Pyrenees). F. Gallart, J. Latron, P. Llorens, and K.J. Beven
EGU2009-10041 The questioning of stationarity or not about a discharge data set on a small basin D. Barbet, D. Trevisan, E. Sauquet, and H. Bourgeois
EGU2009-10907 Optimization of hydrometeorological stations in Greece E. Baltas
EGU2009-12560 The Experimental Hydrology Wiki T. Blume and I. Tromp-van Meerveld
EGU2009-12699 The Court of Miracle of Hydrology: what can we learn from apparently monstrous hydrological behaviours? V. Andréassian, C. Perrin, E. Parent, and A. Bárdossy
EGU2009-13984 Snow estimation based on manual snow measurements and airbone snow surveys (GPS system from helicopter) H.K. Sorteberg