Attendance Time: Friday, 24 April 2009, 10:30–12:00
Halls X/Y
Chairperson: A. Walpersdorf
EGU2009-2967 Postseismic deformations following the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake in SE Asia during three and half years M. Hashimoto, Y. Fukushima, T. Katagi, M. Hashizume, M. Satomura, P. Wu, M. Ishii, T. Kato, and Y. Fukuda
EGU2009-4198 Transient deformation in the Guerrero seismic gap, Mexico, observed by GPS M. Vergnolle, N. Cotte, A. Walpersdorf, P. Tregoning, V. Kostoglodov, and J.A. Santiago
EGU2009-5133 Mapping of the 2006 silent slow event in the Guerrero (Mexico) seismic gap by InSAR O. Cavalie, E. Pathier, F. Cotton, M.-P Doin, N. Cotte, M. Vergnolle, and A. Walpersdorf
EGU2009-5638 Nonvolcanic tremors and their correlation with slow slip events in Mexico
V. Kolstoglodov, N.M. Shapiro, K. Larson, J. Payero, A. Husker, L.A. Santiago, R Clayton, and S. Peyrat
EGU2009-6694 Slow strain variations in Taiwan C. Liu, J.C. Hu, C.Y. Chen, A.T. Linde, and I.S. Sacks
EGU2009-11678 Improving InSAR detection of the 2006 slow slip event in the Guerrero zone (Mexico) using atmospheric corrections E. PATHIER, O. CAVALIE, C. LASSERRE, and A. WALPERSDORF
EGU2009-11924 Delineation of future Cascadia megathrust rupture by Episodic Tremor and Slip T. Melbourne