Attendance Time: Tuesday, 21 April 2009, 17:30–19:00
Hall A
EGU2009-2056 Mapping Effective Leaf Area Index of Lodgepole Pine of Alberta using Landsat-TM and MODIS Data T.Y. Gan
EGU2009-2748 Statistical significance of landcover change detection using multitemporal satellite images J. L. Chiang, C. Wei, Y. B. Lin, K. S. Cheng, and H. P. Chiu
EGU2009-2900 Validation of radiative transfer models in the highly absorbing water vapour band for hyperspectral infrared sounders X. Calbet, F. Montagner, and R. Kivi
EGU2009-3634 Interannual variations of river water storage in the lower Ob basin F. Frappart, G. Ramillien, F. Papa, A. Güntner, M-P. Bonnet, C. Prigent, and W.B. Rossow
EGU2009-3710 Dual Extended Kalman Filter in retrieving effective soil hydraulic properties by surface soil moisture assimilation
H. Medina, G. B. Chirico, and N. Romano
EGU2009-5904 Retrieval of surface water storage in large river basins from multi-satellite and topographic data A. Güntner, S. Werth, F. Papa, and F. Frappart
EGU2009-6182 An assessment of the land surface emissivity in the 8 - 12 micrometer window determined from ASTER and MODIS data T. Schmugge, G. Hulley, and S. Hook
EGU2009-6293 Validation of the TES algorithm for emissivity determination using field measurements T. Schmugge, K. Ogawa, A. French, J. Ritchie, and A. Rango
EGU2009-7439 Application of Automatic Differentiation technique to retrieve land surface parameters and associated uncertainties from satellite products.
B. Pinty, M. Clerici, T. Lavergne, T. Kaminski, M. Taberner, and I. Andredakis
EGU2009-13314 On the potentials of using multisensor ALOS data for the analyses of forest stand structure and biomass retrieval S. Seeling, M. Stellmes, and H. Buddenbaum