EGU2009-8420 Effect of greenhouse gas on structure of steady-state atmospheric convective layer P.B. Rutkevich and B.P. Rutkevych
EGU2009-867 The space-time cascade structure of TRMM and MTSAT precipitation and thermal infrared radiances J. Pinel, S. Lovejoy, and D. Schertzer
EGU2009-9005 Reinterpreting aircraft measurements in anisotropic scaling turbulence S. Lovejoy, A.F. Tuck, and D. Schertzer
EGU2009-11221 Spatial and temporal stochastic cascade structure of deterministic numerical models of the atmosphere
J. Stolle, S. Lovejoy, and D. Schertzr
EGU2009-13583 Parametric Smoothness and Self- Scaling of the Statistical Properties of a Minimal Climate Model: what beyond mean field theories? V. Lucarini, A. Speranza, and R. Vitolo