Attendance Time: Thursday, 23 April 2009, 10:30–12:00
Halls X/Y
Chairperson: Isabel de Lima
EGU2009-13278 Understanding the hydrological behavior of a steep watershed in the Swiss Alps through a time series analysis of river flow data. S. Simoni, A. Porporato, H. Huwald, S. Padoan, and M. Parlange
EGU2009-728 Statistical downscaling of daily mean temperature, pan evaporation and precipitation for climate change scenarios in Haihe River of China J. Chu
EGU2009-6357 Annual Rainfall Maxima: Practical Estimation Based on Large-Deviation Results C. Lepore, D. Veneziano, and A. Langousis
EGU2009-8769 Analysis of Spatial Extreme Rainfalls S. Padoan, M. Parlange, and C. Ancey
EGU2009-13942 Spatial variation of the scaling structure of short-term rainfall over Portugal M. I. P. de Lima, M. F. E. S. Coelho, and J. L. M. P. de Lima
EGU2009-11247 Methods for detecting saddle-type objects from spatio-temporal data: A comparative analysis
S. Donner, K. Padberg, R. Donner, and J. Kurths
EGU2009-8901 ModObs: Atmospheric modelling for wind energy, climate and environment applications : exploring added value from new observation technique A.M. Sempreviva and the ModObs
EGU2009-8042 Albedo effect on radiative errors in air temperature measurements H. Huwald, C. W. Higgins, M. O. Boldi, E. Bou-Zeid, M. Lehning, and M. B. Parlange
EGU2009-12180 Effects of radiation and conduction on subsurface temperature profiles
I. Lunati, N. Vercauteren, and M.B. Parlange
EGU2009-4439 The relative importance of horizontal and vertical unresolved cloud variability for solar radiative transfer calculations F. Di Giuseppe
EGU2009-9131 The impact of Humidity Fluctuations on Sensible Heat Fluxes Measured with Scintillometers C. Higgins, M Froidveau, and M Parlange
EGU2009-8085 Estimation of Urban Sensible Heat Flux Using a Dense Wireless Network of Observations D. F. Nadeau, W. Brutsaert, M. B. Parlange, E. Bou-Zeid, G. Barrenetxea, O. Couach, M.-O. Boldi, J. S. Selker, and M. Vetterli
EGU2009-8804 High resolution scanning Raman lidar validation field campaign and internal boundary layer measurement M. Froidevaux, C. Higgins, V. Simeonov, P. Ristori, I. Serikov, H. van den Bergh, and M. B. Parlange