Attendance Time: Tuesday, 21 April 2009, 17:30–19:00
Halls X/Y
Chairperson: L. Nielsen, H. Maurer
EGU2009-12147 Multidisciplinary geophysical and geotechnical approach to inhomogeneous subsoil characteristics. GPR, refraction seismic, EM multi-frequency radiation, magnetometry and geomechanical approaches Ó. Pueyo Anchuela
EGU2009-6817 Joint use of multiple geophysical methods to map areas of organic matter in lakes M.C. Looms, L.O. Boldreel, J. Kidmose, P. Engesgaard, B. Nilsson, and H. Lykke-Andersen
EGU2009-7808 Geostatistical inference and stochastic inversion of near-surface wide angle seismic data conditioned to well-log and reflection seismic data T. M. Hansen, L Nielsen, L Stemmerik, and H Lykke-Andersen
EGU2009-13108 Shallow crustal structure of Solfatara Volcano (Campi Flegrei) from microtremor analysis. S. Petrosino, N. Damiano, P. Cusano, and E. Del Pezzo
EGU2009-4894 High-resolution reflection seismic imaging in the Skellefte Ore District: A contribution to 4D geologic modeling M. Dehghannejad, C. Juhlin, A. Malehmir, and P. Weihed
EGU2009-5044 High resolution sparker evidence of sediment transport patterns and Late Quaternary structures between the islands of Sylt and Rømø, SE. Northsea
L.O. Boldreel, A. Kuijpers, E.B. Madsen, C. Hass, R. Rasmussen, S. Lindhorst, and J. Bartholdy
EGU2009-10267 Soil surface water content estimation by full-waveform GPR signal inversion in presence of thin layers J. Minet, S. Lambot, E. Slob, and M. Vanclooster
EGU2009-8654 Characterization of shallow normal fault systems in unconsolidated sediments using 3-D ground penetrating radar (SE Vienna Basin, Austria) D. Spahic, U. Exner, M. Behm, B. Grasemann, and A. Haring
EGU2009-7799 Influence of parameterisation on inversion of surface wave dispersion curves and definition of a strategy of inversion. F. RENALIER, D. JONGMANS, M. WATHELET, C. CORNOU, B. ENDRUN, M. OHRNBERGER, and A. SAVVAIDIS
EGU2009-8446 How to select a prior subsurface covariance model from indirect geophysical data observations TM Hansen, MC Looms, and L Nielsen
EGU2009-1947 GPR data filtering with sub-image MRA technique Y. Jeng, C.-H. Lin, Y.-W. Li, C.-S. Chen, H.-H. Huang, and H.-M. Yu
EGU2009-7028 Sea-level proxies extracted from GPR reflection data collected across recently formed berm, beach ridge and swale deposits on the island of Anholt, Denmark L. Nielsen and L. B. Clemmensen