Attendance Time: Tuesday, 21 April 2009, 17:30–19:00
Hall A
EGU2009-729 Relationship between caesium-137 and soil organic carbon (SOC) in cultivated and uncultivated/grazing landscapes C. Martinez, G.R. Hancock, and J.D. Kalma
EGU2009-1734 Absorption capacity of soil organic carbon by degraded areas. (Southern Spain). J.D. Ruiz Sinoga, J.F. Martinez Murillo, and M.A. Gabarron Galeote
EGU2009-1739 Incidence of the soil erodibility in the soil organic carbon sequestration along a pluviometric gradient. South of Spain. J.D. Ruiz Sinoga, J.F. Martinez Murillo, and M.A. Gabarron Galeote
EGU2009-2925 Agricultural Soil Erosion and Global Carbon Cycle: Controversy over? N. J. Kuhn, T. Hoffmann, W. Schwanghart, and M. Dotterweich
EGU2009-2970 Effect of land use changes on carbon losses induced by erosion in a Mediterranean catchment of Southeast Spain. C. Boix-Fayós, M. Martínez-Mena, J. de Vente,, and J Albaladejo
EGU2009-2989 Role of soil water erosion on the organic carbon balance in a Mediterranean ecosystem. M. Almagro, C. Boix Fayos, J. López, J. Albaladejo, V. Castillo, and M. Martínez-Mena
EGU2009-4143 How does soil management affect carbon losses from soils? A. Klik and G. Trümper
EGU2009-7431 Patterns of soil carbon and nitrogen in relation to soil movement under different land uses in mountain farmland fields (South Central Pyrenees)
A. Navas, L. Gaspar, M. López-Vicente, and J. Machín
EGU2009-7716 Spatial heterogeneity of soil organic carbon in a small alpine catchment (Grindelwald, Switzerland) U. Poppe and N. Kuhn
EGU2009-14136 Soil organic carbon in Apolobamba (Bolivia): Quantity and quality of the reservoir M.Á. Muñoz and A. Faz
EGU2009-10752 Distribution and Fate of Organic Carbon Deposited in the Floodplain of the Danube National Park M. Graf, T. Schiller, G. Oberheidt, and F. Lang
EGU2009-12190 Holocene carbon storage and historical carbon emission in The Netherlands G. Erkens, M. van der Meulen, and H. Middelkoop
EGU2009-12247 The fate of SOC during the processes of water erosion and subsequent deposition: a field study. H. Van Hemelryck, G. Govers, K. Van Oost, and R. Merckx