
Monitoring of the lower atmosphere and ionosphere by space geodetic techniques
Convener: Michael Schmidt  | Co-Convener: Mahmut Onur Karslioglu 
Oral Programme
 / Thu, 23 Apr, 15:30–19:00  / Room 36
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Fri, 24 Apr, 10:30–12:00  / Halls X/Y

Space geodetic techniques such as GNSS (ground- and LEO-based), VLBI, satellite altimetry or the GPS radio occultation missions (CHAMP/GRACE, Formosat-3/COSMIC or TerraSAR-X) provide valuable information about the lower
neutral atmosphere (troposphere and stratosphere) and the ionosphere. The potential for atmospheric sensing using these techniques has improved considerably over the last few years as a result of technological advances, larger ground networks and developments of appropriate (empirical, physical, statistical) models and algorithms. In this session contributions are sought which present recent sounding results, report on achieved improvements of the accuracy and of the spatio-temporal resolution of derived tropospheric, stratospheric and ionospheric parameters. Theoretical studies that assess requirements for the
accuracy of relevant parameters are especially encouraged.

At present accurate atmospheric estimates and retrievals based on the techniques mentioned before may significantly improve our understanding of the physical and dynamic behaviour of weather and climate as well as space
weather at various scales. Consequently, contributions on physical modelling of the lower atmosphere and the ionosphere are highly appreciated.

On the other hand, high-precision geodetic analysis is requiring more and more sophisticated models to improve strategies for modelling atmospheric delays
and perturbations. Corresponding contributions and furthermore, presentations with respect to the IAG project GGOS (Global Geodetic Observing System) about the
integration and combination of atmospheric parameters from various techniques are highly welcome as well.