
Novel approaches to quantifying the timing and rate of landscape change (co-organized)
Co-Conveners: Simon Mudd , Sebastian Garcia 
Oral Programme
 / Thu, 23 Apr, 08:30–12:00  / Room 29
Poster Programme
 / Attendance Thu, 23 Apr, 17:30–19:00  / Hall A

* Invited speakers: Jim Kirchner (University of California, Berkeley) and Paul Bierman (University of Vermont)*

Physical interactions between tectonics, climate and surface erosion processes govern how the landscape is sculpted through time. These connections and feedbacks that occur during the evolution of the landscape are varied and occur on a variety of scales both temporal and spatial. Recent advances in analytical techniques (for measuring rates and processes e.g., cosmogenic nuclides and low temperature thermochronometry) promise to open the black box that connects tectonics, climate and erosion. For example, use of multiple tracers in erosion studies has the potential to constrain erosion rates and processes in both time and space, allowing comparisons of erosion with detailed records of climatic and tectonic records. We actively encourage contributions that investigate the coupling of physical weathering and erosion, sediment generation and transport, and feedbacks between climate and tectonics at scales from soil particles to continental. Especially encouraged are multidisciplinary approaches that incorporate isotope studies and/or modelling in order to understand how the landscape evolves through time on all scales from nano to macro.