Monday, 3 May 2010
Room 11
Chairperson: Serge Janicot
EGU2010-15094 AMMA's contribution to the evolution of prediction and decision-making systems for West Africa
Press & Media Jan Polcher, Doug Parker, and Amadou Gaye and the AMMA Management Team
EGU2010-2653 The impact of soil moisture inhomogeneities on modification of a mesoscale convective system: a budget-based model analysis Bianca Adler, Leonhard Gantner, and Norbert Kalthoff
EGU2010-14313 Comparison of the annual cycle of atmospheric parameters at Djougou and Niamey in relation to the surface energy balance Bernhard Pospichal and Susanne Crewell
EGU2010-6599 An AMMA case-study of banal daytime convection over semi-arid land featuring distinctive modelling issues Françoise Guichard, Catherine Rio, Fleur Couvreux, Amanda Gounou, Marie Lothon, Dominique Bouniol, Bernard Campistron, and Michel Chong
EGU2010-4896 Identification and Tracking of Soudano-Sahelian Depressions: Case Studies and Climatology Kerstin Schepanski, Peter Knippertz, and Heini Wernli
EGU2010-1244 Assessment and limits of the existent seasonal forecasts as support for the decision making process in the Sahel Maurizio Bacci, Lorenzo Genesio, Andrea Di Vecchia, Vieri Tarchiani, and Patrizio Vignaroli
EGU2010-11658 Experimental determination of the refractive index and single scattering albedo of African mineral dust as a function of source region Anne Klaver, Paola Formenti, Servanne Chevaillier, Sandrine Caquineau, Karine Desboeufs, and Jean Louis Rajot
EGU2010-11259 Interannual variability of Nitrogen compounds emission and deposition in West and Central Africa Claire Delon, Corinne Galy-Lacaux, Marcellin Adon, Cathy Liousse, Aaron Boone, and Dominique Serça
EGU2010-5084 Influence of the Mediterranean sea on the West African Monsoon: intraseasonal variability in numerical simulations Marco Gaetani, Bernard Fontaine, Pascal Roucou, and Marina Baldi
EGU2010-482 Sahel rainfall and decadal to multi-decadal sea surface temperature variability Elsa Mohino, Serge Janicot, and Juergen Bader