Friday, 7 May 2010
Room 14
Chairperson: Andreas Stohl
EGU2010-7897 Chemical composition in mesoscale convective systems during AMMA and its impact on the NOx and O3 budgetPress & Media H. Huntrieser, H. Schlager, M. Lichtenstern, A. Roiger, P. Stock, H. Höller, K. Schmidt, and H.-D. Betz
EGU2010-8276 Vertical transport of pollution over East Asia Peter Hoor, Sebastian Traud, Heini Wernli, Carl A.M. Brenninkmeijer, Angela Baker, Hella Riede, Tanja Schuck, Franz Slemr, Andreas Zahn, and Helmut Ziereis
EGU2010-4613 The rapid rise of the Australian Black Saturday plumePress & Media Jos de Laat, Deborah Zweers-Stein, Reinout Boers, and Ruud Dirksen
EGU2010-14091 A comparison of stratosphere-troposphere transport in convection-permitting and convection-parameterizing simulations of three mesoscale convective systems Jeffrey Chagnon and Suzanne Gray
EGU2010-13208 Inter-annual variability of CO and CH4 observations interpreted by a global Lagrangian transport model Stephan Henne, Dominik Brunner, Jörg Klausen, and Brigitte Buchmann
EGU2010-4541 A comparison of DOAS observations by the CARIBIC aircraft and the GOME-2 satellite of the 2008 Kasatochi volcanic SO2 plume Klaus-Peter Heue, Carl Brenninkmeijer, Thomas Wagner, Kornelia Mies, Barbara Dix, Udo Frieß, Bengt Martinsson, Franz Slemr, and Peter Velthoven van