Tuesday, 4 May 2010
Room 15
Chairperson: Jerome Chappellaz
EGU2010-14609 Dependence of Millennial Scale Climate Feature upon the Background Mean-Climate: Implications using MIROC GCM
Ayako Abe-Ouchi, Rumi Ohgaito, Kenji Kawamura, and Akira Oka
EGU2010-2310 Early Holocene Laurentide Icesheet deglaciation causes cooling in the high-latitude Southern Hemisphere through oceanic teleconnection Hans Renssen, Hugues Goosse, Xavier Crosta, and Didier M. Roche
EGU2010-3446 Coastal ice core evidence for a circum-Antarctic bipolar seesaw during the last deglaciation Barbara Stenni, Daphné Buiron, and Massimo Frezzotti and the TALDICE Team
EGU2010-6545 High resolution measurements of CH4 and δ15N of N2 during the MIS 3 period in the Berkner Island ice core Francis Mani, Robert Mulvaney, William Sturges, Paul Dennis, Jérôme Chappellaz, Jean-Marc Barnola (deceased), and Daphné Buiron
EGU2010-7351 Atmospheric Teleconnections of Northern Hemisphere cooling to the Southern Hemisphere midlatitudes, and implications for Southern Ocean ventilation John Chiang, Shih-Yu Lee, Katsumi Matsumoto, and Kathy Tokos
EGU2010-11397 Enhanced Arabian Sea intermediate water flow during glacial North Atlantic cold phases Simon Jung, Dick Kroon, Gerald Ganssen, Frank Peeters, and Raja Ganeshram