Tuesday, 4 May 2010
Room 18
Chairperson: nathalie fagel
EGU2010-11953 Multiproxy approach revealing climate and cultural changes during the last 26kyrs in south-central Chile Ana M. Abarzua, Leonora Jarpa, Alejandra Martel, Rodrigo Vega, and Mario Pino
EGU2010-7378 A continuous, high-resolution and multi-proxy reconstruction of terrestrial climatic variability (ca. 50 ka to Present) in mid-latitude New Zealand Tom Stephens, Daniel Atkin, Paul Augustinus, and Alayne Street-Perrott
EGU2010-10974 Late Quaternary climate change on the Tibetan Plateau inferred from a 22.500 cal. BP lake sediment record of Nam Co, Central Tibet, China. Stefan Doberschütz, Gerhard Daut, Thomas Kasper, Roland Mäusbacher, Junbo Wang, and Liping Zhu
EGU2010-3788 Tracing Environmental Change of Potrok Aike, Argentina using Beryllium Isotopes Kyeong Ja Kim, A. J. Timothy Jull, Jun-Ho Kim, Hiroyuki Matsuzaki Matsuzaki, Christian Ohlendorf, and Bernd Zolitschka
EGU2010-10366 A multiproxy (pollen, stable isotope, chironomid and μXRF) record for the Late Glacial to Holocene transition from Thomastown Bog, Ireland Jonathan Turner, Stephen Davis, Cath Langdon, Rob Scaife, Naomi Holmes, Melanie Leng, Gary Mulrooney, and Thomas Cummins
EGU2010-14698 Paleoclimatic and sedimentological interpretation of the Lake Montcortès varved sedimentary record of the last 1500 years Juan Pablo Corella, Achim Brauer, Blas L. Valero-Garcés, Arsenio Muñoz, Clara Mangili, and Mario Morellón