EGU2010-4788 Calculation of Probabilistic Climate Change Scenarios for Switzerland Andreas M. Fischer, Andreas P. Weigel, Mark A. Liniger, Christoph Buser, and Christof Appenzeller
Decadal forecasting
EGU2010-9946 Skill in the trend and internal variability in a multi-model decadal prediction ensemble Geert Jan van Oldenborgh, Frncisco Doblas Reyes, Bert Wouters, and Wilco Hazeleger
EGU2010-11829 Impact of internal multi-decadal variability on 20th century climate Noel Keenlyside, Alexander Strehz, Dietmar Dommenget, Mojib Latif, and Wonsun Park
EGU2010-12399 Impact of Atmosphere and Sub-Surface Ocean Data on Decadal Climate Prediction Nick Dunstone and Doug Smith
Seasonal forecasting
EGU2010-6426 New strategies for surface initialisation of decadal and seasonal hindcasts Juliette MIGNOT, Eric GUILYARDI, Sonia LABETOULLE, Benoit VANNIERE, Sébastien MASSON, and Gurvan MADEC
EGU2010-14051 ENSO-Driven Skill of ENSEMBLES STREAM 2 Multimodel Seasonal Precipitation Hindcasts over the Globe R. Manzanas, J.M. Gutiérrez, A.S. Cofiño, and M.D. Frías