Friday, 7 May 2010
Room 6
Chairperson: Andreas Busch, Sandra Amann, Alexander Kronimus
EGU2010-4720 Geological investigation for CO2 storage: from seismic and well data to storage design Flavie Chapuis, Hugues Bauer, Sandrine Grataloup, Aurélien Leynet, Bernard Bourgine, Claire Castagnac, Simon Fillacier, Antony Lecomte, Yann Le Gallo, and Didier Bonijoly
EGU2010-8181 The mechanical behaviour of anhydrite and the effect of deformation on permeability development - implications for caprock integrity during geological storage of CO2 Suzanne Hangx, Christopher Spiers, and Colin Peach
EGU2010-6872 Biologically Enhanced Geologic Carbon Sequestration Robin Gerlach, Andrew C. Mitchell, Lee H. Spangler, and Al B. Cunningham
EGU2010-13167 Evaluating the uncertainty in geochemical modelling for CO2 storage. The example of Ketzin. Marco De Lucia, Pascal Audigane, Nicolas Jacquemet, and Michael Kühn
EGU2010-4031 Influence of temperature and reactive surface on dissolution rates of carbonates in CO2-bearing brine Katja Beier, Wolf-Achim Kahl, and Astrid Holzheid
EGU2010-9014 Modeling a CO2 mineralization experiment of fractured peridotite from the Semail ophiolite/ Oman Nadja Muller, Guoxiang Zhang, Reinier van Noort, Chris Spiers, Saskia ten Grotenhuis, and Gerco Hoedeman