Friday, 7 May 2010
Room 7
Chairperson: S. Parey, M. Donat
EGU2010-15448 Climate Change and the Risk of European Wind Storms Uwe Ulbrich, Markus G. Donat, and Gregor C. Leckebusch
EGU2010-7048 The farming system sensibility of the Normandy in connection with the Climatic Change (2000-2100) Patrick Le Gouée, Olivier Cantat, Abdelkrim Bensaïd, and Edwige Savouret
EGU2010-13003 Climate change impact on renewable energy sources during the 21st century over France Paul-Antoine Michelangeli, Michel Kolasinski, Malaak Kallache, Philippe Naveau, and Mathieu Vrac
EGU2010-8057 Effects of climate change on water demand and water availability for power plants - examples for the German capital Berlin Stefan Voegele, Hagen Koch, and Uwe Grünewald
EGU2010-3209 The IAHR project CCHE-Climate Change impact on the Hydrological cycle, water management and Engineering: an overview and preliminary results Roberto Ranzi, T. Kojiri, A. Mynett, S. Barontini, N. van de Giesen, E. Kolokytha, L. A. Ngo, R. Oreamuno, B. Renard, D. Sighomnou, and A. Vizina
EGU2010-12403 Effects of climate change on water temperature and its consequences for drinking water production
Reinaldo Peñailillo Burgos, Pascal Boderie, Sacha Rijk, and Sibren Loos