Friday, 7 May 2010
Room 7
Chairperson: Kristin Stock
EGU2010-5181 Modelling and approaching pragmatic interoperability of distributed geoscience data Xiaogang Ma
EGU2010-6851 Cat herding on a global scale - the challenge of building a vocabulary for the geology of Europe with compatibility to a global ontology Kristine Asch
EGU2010-12133 The Semantic Management of Environmental Resources within the Interoperable Context of the EuroGEOSS: Alignment of GEMET and the GEOSS SBAs Claudia Cialone and Kristin Stock
EGU2010-2079 Linked Data: what does it offer Earth Sciences? Simon Cox and Sven Schade
EGU2010-13454 Provenance Aware Faceted Search Peter Fox, Stephan Zednik, Deborah McGuinness, Patrick West, and Zhenning Shangguan
EGU2010-10228 Visualization of semantic relations in geosicences Bernd Ritschel, Sabine Pfeiffer, and Vivien Mende