EGU2010-2566 A GPS Real Time Earthquake and Tsunami (GREAT) Alert System Yoaz Bar-Sever and the GREAT Alert
EGU2010-4331 GIOVE Orbit and Clock Determination Based on the CONGO Network Peter Steigenberger, André Hauschild, Oliver Montenbruck, Urs Hugentobler, Uwe Hessels, Georg Weber, and Thoralf Noack
EGU2010-4791 Monitoring the ionospheric positioning error with a GNSS dense network Gilles Wautelet, Sandrine Lejeune, and René Warnant
EGU2010-12348 RTPP Analysis Results: Achievements and Challenges
Loukis Agrotis, Pedro Alfaro Sanz, Drazen Svehla, John Dow, and Rene Zandbergen
EGU2010-11969 Real-time PPP Results From Global Orbit And Clock Corrections Yüksel Altiner, Leos Mervart, Wolfgang Soehne, and Georg Weber
EGU2010-8801 Real-time PPP with undifferenced integer ambiguity resolution, experimental results Denis Laurichesse and Flavien Mercier