Integrated non-invasive sensing techniques and geophysical methods for the study and conservation of architectural, archaeological and artistic heritage
Nicola Masini
Lev Eppelbaum ,
Francesco Soldovieri
Wednesday, 5 May 2010
Room 39
Chairperson: Nicola Masini
O1) From instrumentation to data analysis
EGU2010-4575 Hyperspectral sensors and the conservation of monumental buildings
Mara Camaiti, Marco Benvenuti, Leandro Chiarantini, Pilar Costagliola, Sandro Moretti, Francesca Paba, Elena Pecchioni, and Silvia Vettori
EGU2010-9829 Electromagnetic scattering by underground targets using the cylindrical-wave approach
Fabrizio Frezza, Lara Pajewski, Cristina Ponti, and Giuseppe Schettini
EGU2010-13936 Analysis of shallow continuous electromagnetic measurements on archaeological sites in southern Austria and comparison with other geophysical methods Erich Niesner
EGU2010-14470 Subsurface defect detection in first layer of pavement structure and reinforced civil engineering structure by FRP bonding using active infrared thermography Jean Dumoulin and Laurent Ibos
EGU2010-8596 Decay assessment through thermographic analysis in architectural and archaeological heritage Miguel Gomez-Heras, Laura Martinez-Perez, Rafael Fort, and Monica Alvarez de Buergo
EGU2010-5348 High-resolution microwave diagnostics of architectural components by particle swarm optimization
Simone Genovesi, Emanuele Salerno, Agostino Monorchio, and Giuliano Manara
O2) Multisensor approach and data integration for cultural heritage
EGU2010-15631 Aerial multispectral surveys - from the analysis of architectural monuments to the identification of archaeological sites Bottoni Mario, Giuseppe Fabretti, and Maurizio Fabretti
EGU2010-10277 Determining buried grid street system and native of the remains with GPR and petrography, in ancient Nysa city, Aydin - Turkey Selma Kadioglu, Musa Kadioglu, and Yusuf K. Kadioglu
EGU2010-9814 Comparison among GPR measurements and ultrasonic tomographies with different inversion strategies applied to the basement of an ancient egyptian sculpture.
Luigi Sambuelli, Gualtiero Bohm, Patrizia Capizzi, Ettore Cardarelli, Pietro Cosentino, Laurent D'Onofrio, and Mario Marchisio
EGU2010-14640 Integration of infrared thermography and high-frequency electromagnetic methods in archaeological surveys
Rosa Di Maio, Carosena Meola, Maurizio Fedi, and Giovanni Maria Carlomagno
EGU2010-7299 An Integrated Toolkit for the Conservation of Stone-Built Heritage Claire Lindsay, Prof. Bernard Smith, Dr. Joanne Curran, Dr. Jennifer McKinley, John Meneely, Dr. Alastair Ruffell, John Savage, and Dawson Stelfox
EGU2010-4653 Correlation between porosimetric test and penetrometric test on masonry mortar
Angela Calia, Domenico Liberatore, Nicola Masini, and Vito Racina