Wednesday, 5 May 2010
Room 34
Chairperson: Guy Schumann; Florian Pappenberger
EGU2010-2345 The "lost" channels of the Amazon floodplain Mark Trigg and Paul Bates
EGU2010-7625 Nodal Network Modelling by Integrating Remote Sensing Derived Actual Evapotranspiration with Spatial Water Balance in a Demand Driven Irrigation System Kaleem Ullah, Mohsin Hafeez, Josh Sixsmith, and Ralph Faux
EGU2010-9157 Hydraulic description of a flood event with optical remote sensors: a constructive constraint on modelling uncertainties Stéphanie BATTISTON and Bernard ALLENBACH
EGU2010-6933 A calibration framework for data scarce basins: sequential use of information from conventional and remote sensing data Hessel Winsemius, Alberto Montanari, Bettina Schaefli, and Hubert Savenije
EGU2010-11346 Integration of remote sensing and in-situ data in large scale hydraulics Nguyen Viet Dung, Bruno Merz, and Heiko Apel
EGU2010-12295 Calibrating flood inundation models: identifying and addressing uncertainty in satellite observed flood extents Liz Stephens, Paul Bates, and David Mason