EGU2010-8501 Evaluation of the capacitance-based low cost soil moisture sensor Decagon 10HS: Implications for soil moisture monitoring and related hydrological applications Heidi Mittelbach, Francesca Casini, Irene Lehner, Ryan Teuling, and Sonia I. Seneviratne
EGU2010-7780 Hydro-meteorological monitoring of a mountain catchment, the example of the Vorz (Belledonne, France) Thierry BARTH, Georges-Marie SAULNIER, and Emmanuel MALET
EGU2010-11057 A measure for hydrological connectivity at the drainage basin scale Ross Phillips, Christopher Spence, and John Pomeroy
EGU2010-11110 Fibre-optical distributed temperature sensing - Uncertainties and limitations Theresa Blume, Stefan Krause, Emma Naden, and Nigel Cassidy
EGU2010-11227 GPS inland water buoys for precise and high temporal resolution water level and movement monitoring Heiko Apel, Nguyen Nghia Hung, Heiko Thoss, and Andreas Güntner