Friday, 7 May 2010
Room 34
Chairperson: Alberto Viglione
Flash floods: observations and characterisation
EGU2010-9742 Rainfall estimation in the context of post-event flash flood analysis Guy Delrieu, Brice Boudevillain, and Ludovic Bouilloud
EGU2010-13519 Remote collection and analysis of witness reports on flash floods Jonathan Gourley, Jessica Erlingis, Travis Smith, Kiel Ortega, and Yang Hong
EGU2010-11609 Synoptic ingredients associated to flash flood producing storms - A comparative analysis at European scale. Sandrine Anquetin, Sorin Cheval, Michele Tarolli, Benoit Hingray, Bogdan Antonescu, Marco Borga, Gheorghe Stancalie, Georg Teiser, Nan Yu, and Alexandru Dumitrescu
EGU2010-9619 Barriers to the exchange of hydrometeorological data across Europe - results from a survey and implications for data policy Günter Blöschl, Alberto Viglione, Panos Balabanis, and Marco Borga
EGU2010-9328 Climatic and geomorphic controls on flash flood response in Europe Lorenzo Marchi, Marco Borga, Emanuele Preciso, and Eric Gaume
EGU2010-8744 Studying the hydro-meteorological extremes. The benefits from the European Flash Flood research oriented HYDRATE project. Ioannis K. Tsanis, Aristeidis G. Koutroulis, Ioannis N. Daliakopoulos, and Emmanouil G. Grillakis
Linking flash floods and linghtening information
EGU2010-6369 Results from the EU FLASH project: The link between flash floods and lightning flashes Colin Price, Yoav Yair, Alberto Mugnai, Kostas Lagouvardos, Maria Carmen Llasat, and Silas Michaelides
EGU2010-10439 The ZEUS lightning detection system in the frame of FLASH project Konstantinos Lagouvardos, Vassiliki Kotroni, and Hans-Dieter Betz
EGU2010-2156 Looking for the best flash floods indicators in Mediterranean Region Maria-Carmen Llasat, Montserrat Llasat-Botija, and Marco Turco
EGU2010-2950 Flash flood prediction using an un-calibrated hydrological model and radar rainfall data in a Mediterranean watershed under changing hydrological conditions
Shahar Rozalis, Efrat Morin, Yoav Yair, and Colin Price
EGU2010-5832 Now-Casting Thunderstorms in the Mediterranean Region using Lightning Data Eli Galanti, Moriah Kohn, Colin Price, Kostas Lagouvardos, and Vassos Kotroni
EGU2010-9251 Heavy precipitation retrieval from combined satellite observations and ground-based lightning measurements within the EU FLASH project Alberto Mugnai, Stefano Dietrich, Daniele Casella, Francesco Di Paola, Marco Formenton, and Paolo Sanò
Flash floods: modelling and forecasting
EGU2010-14035 Integrating lightening information into real-time flash flood forecasting and warning procedures Marco Borga, Kostas Lagouvardos, Maria Carmen Llasat, Alberto Mugnai, Colin Price, and Paolo Tarolli
EGU2010-5707 Generalised synthesis of space-time variability in flood response: Dynamics of flood event types Alberto Viglione, Giovanni Battista Chirico, Jürgen Komma, Ross Woods, Marco Borga, and Günter Blöschl
EGU2010-13946 Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo approach to regional flood frequency analyses involving extraordinary flood events at ungauged sites Eric Gaume, Ladislav Gaál, Alberto Viglione, Silvia Kohnová, Ján Szolgay, and Günter Blöschl
EGU2010-5154 A regional distributed hydrological modelling approach for flash-flood understanding and experimental design Isabelle BRAUD, Sandrine ANQUETIN, Hélène ROUX, Olivier VANNIER, Marie-Madeleine MAUBOURGUET, Pierre VIALLET, Brice BOUDEVILLAIN, Denis DARTUS, and Jean-Dominique CREUTIN
EGU2010-4064 Sensitivity of a mountain basin flash flood to initial soil moisture and rainfall variability Efthymios I. Nikolopoulos, Emmanouil N. Anagnostou, Marco Borga, Enrique R. Vivoni, and Anastasios Papadopoulos
EGU2010-10126 Radar-driven High-resolution Hydrometeorological Forecasts of the 26 September 2007 Venice flash flood Andrea Massimo Rossa, Franco Laudanna Del Guerra, Marco Borga, Francesco Zanon, Tommaso Settin, and Daniel Leuenberger