Thursday, 6 May 2010
Room 39
Chairperson: Ezio Todini
EGU2010-13006 Application of a Bayesian Processor for Predictive Uncertainty Assessment in Real Time Flood Forecasting Gabriele Coccia, Felix Francés, Juan Camilo Múnera, and Ezio Todini
EGU2010-14493 Reduction of Predictive Uncertainty by Merging the Data Assimilation and Bayesian Model Averaging Hamid Moradkhani, M. Parrish, and T. Meskele
EGU2010-2100 Disentangling uncertainties in distributed hydrological modeling Peter Salamon and Luc Feyen
EGU2010-12631 Assessing the value of variational assimilation of streamflow data into distributed hydrologic models for improved streamflow monitoring and prediction at ungauged and gauged locations in the catchment Hak Su Lee, Dong-Jun Seo, Yuqiong Liu, Paul McKee, and Robert Corby
EGU2010-2540 The effectiveness of Quantile Regression for bias correction and uncertainty estimation in operational hydrological forecasting systems: Examples from the National Flood Forecasting System
Albrecht Weerts, Hessel Winsemius, and Stefan Laeger
EGU2010-15609 Sources of uncertainty and probability bands for flood forecasts: an upland catchment case study R.J. Moore, A.J. Robson, S.J. Cole, P.J. Howard, A.H. Weerts, and K. Sene
EGU2010-11850 Sequential Processing of Data: The Future of Inverse Modeling and Parameter Estimation? (Outstanding Young Scientist Lecture)
Jasper A. Vrugt