Tuesday, 4 May 2010
Room 3
Chairperson: G.T Aronica
EGU2010-3761 Assessing the influence of topographical data and of the calibration procedure on the estimation of flood inundation probabilities and associated uncertainty
Pamela Fabio, Angela Candela, and Giuseppe T. Aronica
EGU2010-7056 Identifying how the strategies used to evaluate flood damages can affect the results of the evaluation Julian Eleutério, Anne Rozan, and Robert Mosé
EGU2010-10255 Analysing uncertainties associated with flood hazard assessment Clemens Neuhold, Philipp Stanzel, and Hans-Peter Nachtnebel
EGU2010-1294 Introducing empirical and probabilistic regional envelope curves into flood frequency curves Björn Guse and Bruno Merz
EGU2010-14383 Uncertainty analysis of the modelling chain from GCM to flood inundation
F. Wetterhall, Y. He, J. F. Freer, H. Cloke, F. Pappenberger, M. Wilson, and G. McGregor
EGU2010-11516 Error propagation in hydrodynamics of lowland rivers due to uncertainty in vegetation roughness parameterization Menno Straatsma