Tuesday, 4 May 2010
Room 19
Chairperson: Stefano Pierini and Klaus Dethloff
EGU2010-14049 Thoughts on topography and potential vorticity creation
William Dewar, James McWilliams, Jeroen Molemaker, Nicolas Wienders, Otmar Olsina, and Andrew Hogg
EGU2010-7495 A General Perspective of Extreme Events in Climate
Philip Sura
EGU2010-1792 New nonlinear mechanisms of midlatitude atmospheric low-frequency variability
Alef Sterk, Renato Vitolo, Henk Broer, Carles Simo, and Henk Dijkstra
EGU2010-7454 Mesoscale vortices, ageostrophic motions and vertical mixing in the ocean Annalisa Bracco, Inga Koszalka, Yuley Cardona, and Hao Luo
EGU2010-8980 Stability Behaviour of the Atlantic Thermohaline Circulation Under Different Climate Conditions: The Thermal Component G. Knorr, R. Eichinger, G. Lohmann, M. Prange, and S. Barker
EGU2010-8946 A new parameterisation of convection that eliminates the occurrence of artificial multiple equilibria Matthijs den Toom and Henk A. Dijkstra