Thursday, 6 May 2010
Room 17
Chairperson: Andreas Langousis, Alin Carsteanu
EGU2010-12935 With high resolution DEM to enhanced maps of Dominant Runoff Processes (DRP) Michael Margreth and Felix Naef
EGU2010-5203 Distributions of extreme bursts above thresholds in a fractional Lévy toy model of natural complexity. Nicholas Watkins, Sandra Chapman, Sam Rosenberg, Dan Credgington, and Raul Sanchez
EGU2010-13700 Testing rainfall envelope curves against stochastically generated rainstorms - a regional analysis Attilio Castellarin, Alberto Viglione, Ralf Merz, and Günter Blöschl
EGU2010-5780 Estimation of flood peak distributions from maximum daily flow statistics Uwe Haberlandt
EGU2010-9551 Examples of using long tem memory in climate analysis
Hans von Storch and Eduardo Zorita
EGU2010-13977 The power of fluctuations: bedload transport, turbulence and bed morphodynamics
Efi Foufoula-Georgiou and Arvind Singh