Friday, 7 May 2010
Room 6
Chairperson: Buske, Kempka
EGU2010-14626 Otway CO2 sequestration pilot project: end of phase I monitoring program
Milovan Urosevic, Roman Pevzner, Valeria Shulakova, and Anton Kepic
EGU2010-7636 Passive microseismic monitoring at an Australian CO2 geological storage site Anthony Siggins
EGU2010-13328 Electromagnetic monitoring of CO2 storage in deep saline aquifers - numerical simulations and laboratory experiments Jana Börner, Volker Herdegen, Ralph-Uwe Börner, and Klaus Spitzer
EGU2010-3559 Probabilistic risk assessment for CO2 storage in geological formations: robust design and support for decision making under uncertainty Sergey Oladyshkin, Holger Class, Rainer Helmig, and Wolfgang Nowak
EGU2010-7964 Mechanics of Reaction Driven Fracturing during Peridotite Carbonation Oliver Gaede and Klaus Regenauer-Lieb
EGU2010-13024 Simulating reactive transport processes induced by CO2 injection in the nearly depleted Altmark natural gas reservoir, Germany Marco De Lucia, Haibing Shao, Olaf Kolditz, and Michael Kühn