EGU2010-12904 Joints, shear fractures and ductile shear zones in a cooling pluton: the example of the Lake Edison Granodiorite (Sierra Nevada, California) Giorgio Pennacchioni
EGU2010-8002 Sediment strength contrasts and decollement localization in Nankai subduction zone Hugues Raimbourg, Kohtaro Ujiie, Yozo Hamano, Saneatsu Saito, Masataka Kinoshita, and Achim Kopf
EGU2010-14303 Geometries of deformed granitoid inclusions in the Sudbury Igneous Complex of the Sudbury Impact Structure, Canada: Evidence for deformation during solidification of the impact melt sheet Iris Lenauer and Ulrich Riller
EGU2010-15469 Salt tectonics and crustal tectonics along the Eastern Sardinian margin, Western Tyrrhenian : New insights from the « METYSS » cruise (June 2009) Virginie Gaullier and Johanna Lofi and the METYSS
EGU2010-7085 From thrusting to transpressional tectonics in the Aghdarband Basin (NE Iran): evidence for Cimmerian oblique convergence Andrea Zanchi, Marco Balini, Mohammad Reza Ghassemi, and Stefano Zanchetta
EGU2010-12024 Syn-orocline brittle deformation in the core of the Ibero-Armorican Arc. Timing orocline formation. Daniel Pastor-Galán and Gabriel Gutiérrez-Alonso