Thursday, 6 May 2010
Room 2
Chairperson: Pere Puig
EGU2010-6993 Antarctic Bottom Water from the Adélie and George V Land coast, East Antarctica (140-149âE) Guy Williams, Shigeru Aoki, Stan Jacobs, Stephen Rintoul, Takeshi Tamura, and Nathan Bindoff
EGU2010-14358 Adélie Depression seasonal circulation and dense shelf water export Andrew Meijers, Ben Galton-Fenzi, Steve Rintoul, and Serguei Sokolov
EGU2010-6698 Submarine Canyon and Slope Suspended Sediment Transport in the Western Gulf of Lions During an Intense Cascading Period Albert Palanques, Pere Puig, Xavier Durrieu De Madron, Anna Sanchez-Vidal, Antoni Calafat, Catalina Pascual, Serge Heussner, and Miquel Canals
EGU2010-4304 Formation of thick bottom nepheloid layers in the western Mediterranean basin after major dense shelf water cascading events Pere Puig, Xavier Durrieu de Madron, Katrin Schroeder, Jordi Salat, José Luis López-Jurado, Gian Pietro Gasparini, Albert Palanques, Mikhail Emelianov, Aristomenis Karageorgis, and Alekos Theocharis
EGU2010-14267 Combining simultaneous seismic reflection and physical oceanographic observations of shelf-slope processes Sandro Carniel, Jeffrey Book, Richard Hobbs, Warren Wood, Andrea Bergamasco, Katrin Schroeder, Giovanni Bortoluzzi, Hartmut Prandke, and Mauro Sclavo
EGU2010-13325 Tracking cold bottom water in the Gargano Peninsula and Bari Canyon regions of the Adriatic using seismic oceanography Warren Wood, Jeffrey Book, Sandro Carniel, Dennis Lindwall, Giovanni Bortoluzzi, and Richard Hobbs