Friday, 7 May 2010
Room 32
Chairperson: Lenka Baratoux
EGU2010-3335 Palaeoproterozoic high-pressure granulite overprint of the Archaean continental crust: evidence for homogeneous crustal thickening (Man Rise, Ivory Coast) Pavel Pitra, Alain N. Kouamelan, Michel Ballèvre, and Jean-Jacques Peucat
EGU2010-6655 Tectonic evolution of Boromo and Houndé belts (western Burkina Faso) : contemporaneous crustal scale folding of volcano-sedimentary sequences and granitoid plutons emplacement (~2.2 - 2.0 Ga)
Lenka Baratoux, Václav Metelka, Séta Naba, Mark Jessell, Michel Grégoire, and Jérôme Ganne
EGU2010-708 Tectonic evolution of the Oudalan-Gorouol greenstone belt in NE Burkina Faso and Niger, West African craton. Asinne TSHIBUBUDZE and Kim A.A. HEIN
EGU2010-794 The Kédougou-Kénieba inlier (eastern of Senegal): a lithostructural evolution model of the Paleoproterozoic. Ngom Papa Malick and Guéye Mamadou
EGU2010-7094 Provenance analysis and tectonic setting of the Neoproterozoic sediments within the Taoudeni Basin, Northern Mauritania Graeme Nicoll, Gijs Straathof, Jenny Tait, Khalidou Lo, N’Diaye Ousmane, Mohamed El Moctar Dahmada, Jasper Berndt, and Roger Key
EGU2010-7322 Combined 40Ar/39Ar and Fission-Track study of the Freetown Layered Igneous Complex, Freetown, Sierra Leone, West Africa: Implications for the Initial Break-up of Pangea to form the Central Atlantic Ocean and Insight into the Post-rift Evolution of the Sie Ibrahim Barrie, Jan Wijbrans, Paul Andriessen, Frank Beunk, Victor Strasser-King, and Daniel Fode